Public sector

I am proud to have worked with some leading local government, housing and education sector organisations. This has given me a greater understanding of what these organisations are looking for from commercial suppliers. Over the years, I have coordinated a great deal of research into behaviour-change and how campaigns influence the public which is one of the reasons that the copy I supply engages so well with my clients’ stakeholders and target audiences.



Notting Hill Housing

Notting Hill Housing (NHH) is a leading London housing association. Established in 1963, it has a rich history of providing affordable homes and changing the lives of Londoners. I worked with Notting Hill Housing on a range of projects including The Resident – a quarterly newspaper circulated to 20,000 permanent rented housing residents – website content, guides, handbooks and correspondence. Copy needed to be consistent in message and terminology but style needs to be varied for a wide range of audiences from Extra Care users to large corporate investors and property developers.

Sports Xtra

Youth work and mentoring is something that I do in my spare time and, as such, I love writing for the education sector. I have solid experience in this area, writing for further and higher education establishments as well as commercial suppliers and charities that work with this schools and colleges. In addition I've worked for a number of creative agencies that specialise in this sector. Sports Xtra is a national franchise that aims to build confidence and promote health and well-being in schools.  I provided Sports Xtra with copy for adverts, press releases and liaison, internal communications, social media, and correspondence.





Hertfordshire county council

Prior to taking the brave/terrifying leap into self-employment, I spent seven years running communications campaigns for Hertfordshire County Council and also working in its busy press office. Highlights included one of my campaigns (which was adopted nationally) being featured as a successful case study in PR Week, coordinating new research into behaviours and attitudes which was used to inform central government campaigning and helping to establish an award-winning magazine. This experience gave me unique insight into the link between language and engagement - as well as what the public sector is looking for from commercial suppliers. Both of which I have been able to use to help my clients.

Give me a call on 07973 304253.

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